Sunday, January 08, 2006

By the power of lemons!

Stephen turned up in Brighton unannounced yesterday so I ended up with a surprise Christmas present! Now, Stephen was the guy behind last year's Amazing Hair Growing Cat Soap so he'd already set himself a high standard to live up to... this year he's gone for the Lemon Clock. That's a clock powered by lemons.

Will the Lemon Clock actually work? Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

This is not a post on the lemo clock, I'm afraid, but a query as to what I win now that I have read all your posts from September to today this afternoon?

I told you I would do it. Bloody hell. It took some going but most of it was interesting. Hope you enjoyed the Google Image pics I sent ya.

Anonymous said...

handy if you run out of lemons for your coke!!

Phil you might like to cheak this out.

knowing you you know about this already :)
