Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Adopt a Seamonkey

My friend Andy has launched his new website where you can - for a small fee - adopt your very own seamonkey. You can choose from a number of characters and receive a personalised certificate and t-shirt...


Not content with his two Zazzle pages for cartoons and photography and his recent addition to the MySpace community, my mate Justin has finally started his own blog...

And finally...

Remember the Eat My Brains Zombie Club - Forced Entry night which I went to a couple of weeks back? Well, the official write up (now retitled The Jay And Sean Show) has just been published on their site here.

1 comment:

Kuntry Konfession said...

sea monkeys looks like microscopic shrimps to me.....i was so dissappointed when i was given one in college thinkin that they WOULD look like monkeys.