Thursday, August 30, 2007

FrightFest 2007 - Day 2 (Friday)

Steve, Sheridan, Stuart and D in Leicester Square

Friday's programme was fit to burst with a whole seven (count 'em) films to get through! An early start, but the luxury of our B&B accommodation afforded us breakfast and plenty of time to be able to walk from Kings Cross to Leicester Square each morning - nice! First up was Hatchet (screened last year - see my haiku here) with a live commentary recording from Adam Green and Alan Jones which was both amusing and informative. Adam did a signing session straight afterwards so the bar was packed as we queued up to get our pictures signed by him. Top bloke, and it was great having him around all weekend.

Thurein grabs a photo with Adam Green

The Sword Bearer was next; I was expecting a Russian adventure epic but the action never arrived - I should have walked out. Sundance fave The Signal was much better, raw and packed with original ideas, it played very well. Bumped into Chris Smith on the stairs as I went up to collect my goodie bag then it was back inside for 1408 with director Mikael Hafstrom in attendance. Better than expected, this was a decent supernatural Hollywood shocker based on a Stephen King short story. Before the next film the FrightFest boys did a raffle for an HD-DVD player and our very own Sean from Eat My Brains was the lucky winner, so well done to him! After the giveaway the inevitable last minute change to the schedule occured - P2 was unavailable so Teeth took its place. I was expecting this film about a girl with vagina dentate to be of the tedious arthouse variety, but much to my surprise it played like a mainstream horror-comedy and was hugely entertaining - my favourite film of the day. The much-hyped All The Boys Love Mandy Lane was the penultimate movie, a good solid horror with a twist and a gorgeous leading lady in the shape of Amber Heard - it's no wonder all the boys love her. Last up was Shrooms which I kept dozing off in so either a) I was too tired, or b) it wasn't very good. Few people seemed to rave about that one as we left the cinema so I'm guessing it was the latter.

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