Radio Soulwax presents... top blagging. Cloaks. Cheap pints. Chicken breasts. Freshers, lots of them. Barry Sheene. Headman. The jolly green giant. "This isn't music." Dave likes parties. "You don't dance like that in Brighton!" Man in a white shirt = twat. Vitalic. Ooh, cool Franz Ferdinand mix. Soulwax, Nite Versions live. Hot and sweaty. Compute. Laser beams. Smoke belches. "It's not me it's the E talking." Another Excuse. I need a shower. More Vitalic. Dare. Why did I sell my LCD Soundsystem CD? Air vents. 2 Many DJs. Night mode. Dancing girls, man in a Japanese wrestling mask. Voulez-vous. Lady in sparkly top. Teenage Kicks. Lesbians, kissing. Aphex Twin. Whoo-hoo, Song 2. Prodigy. Police vans. Ears ringing. Sleep, more sleep... shit, I'm late for work.
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