I check out the first performance of this year's festival - Jerry Sadowitz's close-up magic show in the Pav. It's better than his stand-up show because you get his vulgar comedy thrown in for free anyway. Yes, he is offensive... but it's all an act. He's a quiet, lovable chap really. "I wish Kate Moss would snort a line of cocaine, give Pete Doherty a blow-job... and die of AIDS." Nice. Bill Bailey starts his run of three sold out nights at the Dome. Early word is that there's little new material, it's largely the same Part Troll show from last year. Whoops, hope there won't be too many complaints.
Day 2 - Saturday
Rhod Gilbert comes in to complain that there's no posters up advertising his show. Have we been sent any? No. Alan Carr turns up and promptly locks himself out of the venue. I work on Alan's show and then Tim Vine's at the Corn Exchange. One couple walk out at the start claiming they had to take an important phonecall. We reckon they're having an illicit affair and have just spotted someone they know in the audience - they can't be seen together so they have to leave.
Day 3 - Sunday
The staff arrive for the 2pm Bill Bailey show. What do you mean there is no 2pm show? Whoops. Someone asks me if we've tickets for the "bald guy with long hair". He means Bill Bailey. I work on John Hegley's show at the Corn Exchange where I'm amused to discover the reviewer from Chortle shares the same name as my flatmate. Speaking of whom, he sees Alan Carr's show and gives it a glowing review - "proper belly laughs". The pirate and his friends make a formal complaint at Russell Brand's show. Apparently the beer is too expensive and the drinks are served in plastic glasses. "The Argus will have to hear about this - and that's not a threat, it's a promise!" she says. She's also a freelance journo - yeah, and...what's your point exactly?
Day 4 - Monday
I see Daniel Kitson in the Pav. I've lost count of how many times I've seen him now but he's still head and shoulders above the rest. His new show is whimsical and heartwarming, laced with his trademark pomposity and hilarious asides. "Can you hear me at the back?" he asks. "Yes, but I'm going to swap places with someone who can't," comes back the third-hand retort from an elderly gent sat at the front. Dan brings a water cooler onto the stage to combat the heat. As the show progresses it's clear his large meal at Wagamama's is causing him some discomfort. Let's just say I've never seen a comedian who's had to break his routine to dash off to take a shit before. Such a professional. And somewhat ironic considering he was contemplating what might happen if you're stuck on an airplane as it takes off and you desperately need a poo. In the pub afterwards I finally get Rebecca to confirm the line up for the Best of the Fest on Friday night - it's gonna be Andrew Maxwell, Noel Fielding, Richard Herring and Andy Zaltzman, hosted by Jason Byrne.
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