Dir: David Dobkin
Cast: Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walken, Rachel McAdams
They want to get laid
fall in love with two sisters
bring on Will Ferrell
You know what you're going to get with Wedding Crashers. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn in a comedy about two friends who keep crashing wedding parties looking for easy women to score... yup, it's a no brainer; a predictable, funny - for the most parts - film and nothing more. Does exactly what it says on the poster. The two friends in question are John (Wilson) and Jeremy (Vaughn) and their shallow lifestyle is turned upside down when they try their well-worn tricks on two sisters, Claire (McAdams) and Gloria (Isla Fisher). John really likes Claire and manages to get the two of them invited back to the home of the girls' father (Walken) but Jeremy is ready to bail after Gloria appears to be a stalker in the making. There's really little need to talk about the rest of the plot, it's all been done before - the amorous mother (tick), the foul-mouthed grandmother (tick), the jock boyfriend (tick), the nerdy brother (tick) and the story exploits the characters and the comedy of the situation exactly how you'd expect it to. Wilson and Vaughn have plenty of history together and work well again here; you really do genuinely feel that they are best of friends. Walken does his usual bug-eyed staring thing and the girls are both appealing in their own different ways. The comedy is broader and less gross-out than perhaps you'd expect, but all the better for it - these characters are not teenagers any more, after all. It's one of those films that makes you laugh out loud but is instantly forgettable the moment you leave the cinema, however it gets an extra star purely for the hilarious cameo of Jeremy's mentor, Chas (yes, you know who) towards the end, in which Chas and John crash a funeral together. The man is a scene-stealer and fast becoming a comedy legend. It probably should be a 3 star film but after so many distinctly average movies this week I'm being generous!
soulmining rating: ****
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