Here's the lowdown on the new songs...
01 Colder Than The Coldest Winter Was Cold 1:02
(Spoken word intro by Bill Curtis)
02 Love Is The New Feel Awful 9:36
(Muted start with falsetto vocals and brass accompaniment. Repetitive verses until it breaks down after 4 minutes into some instrumental noodlings)
03 Easy 7:32
(Rather tuneless, mumbled vocals over a drum and bass riff. Guitars and brass finally kick in towards the end)
04 All The Money Or The Simple Life Honey 4:29
(First uptempo song mixing brass and acoustic guitar)
05 The New Country 2:10
(The Dandys do Country & Western)
06 Holding Me Up 7:15
(Archetypal Warhols sound with soft harmonies, repetitive bass pattern and a strong chorus. Seems to finish after 4 minutes, then builds up again from an acoustic riff to a big singalong with a room full of people)
07 Did You Make A Song With Otis 0:55
(Acapella rhyme with a dog growling away in the background)
08 Everyone Is Totally Insane 3:41
(Very much like I Am Sound from the Monkeyhouse album, all synths and a strong new romantic feel)
09 Smoke It 4:06
(Obvious first single and party song. Shouted vocals with guitar and keyboards, the chorus is all call-and-response, samples and whooping)
10 Down Like Disco 4:54
(A rockier sound with a higher vocal range and harmonies, reminiscent of the Come Down album)
11 There Is Only This Time 4:40
(Choral, ambient song with a repetitive vocal couplet over beats until the guitar comes in)
12 A Loan Tonight 11:49
(A typically lengthy finale, this is all new wave with a dark synth sound and vocals suggesting Gary Numan. Drifts into an instrumental mix of guitar feedback and electronic bleeps that the BBC Radiophonic Workshop would be proud of, before the vocals return again)
Odditorium Or Warlords Of Mars is due for release on 5th September on Parlophone Records. www.dandywarhols.com
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