My drawer is currently full of Celebrations as I appear to be the only person in the office who is able to exercise self-restraint when it comes to eating chocolates.
Some time later...
Hmmm... well, they were in my drawer but the office gluttons seem to have exercised a mutiny.
That is a lot of chocolate!
Can I have a Malteser one? They're my favourites.
DF - Mmmmm, Maltesers are my favourites too!
Lenny - Hey, Bev asked me to look after them... all I did was lock them in my drawer overnight so that they wouldn't go missing, is that so wrong? You'd have been bloody whineging if the cleaners had snaffled them all... remember what happened with the chunky Kit-Kats in the fridge?
save some snickers for me, purrr
Those Galaxy ones are just divine... needless to say the only ones that still remain are the Topics and the Bountys.
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