Now in an amazing piece of coincidental merchandising, James has not only found the best t-shirt design ever, he's actually bought one of these cool tees, thereby making him the hippest guy in the whole of London town. Or Middlesex. Imagine the fun you could have wearing one of these little beauties, holding your arms out wide and running around making plane type noises! This has just flown right to the top of my Christmas list!
If you want to wear snakes on a plane too, then click here.
Snakes! Plane! Snakes on a Plane!
I am the envy of the society pages, me.
I've just found another 'S oa P' t-shirt... whoo hoo!
Oh holy crap! I must have it!
Love that poster, there's no way the real one will be as cool. I just can't stop thinking about this movie either...
I've just ordered one... and don't worry, I gotta post the poster up here too, that's hilarious!
Snakes on a plane! Snakes on a plane!
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