I love the
Weather Pixie on Kelly's blog, she's extremely dim. Always inappropriately dressed whatever the weather. Just take a look at her here - it's 6 degrees and raining and she's wearing a crop top right up to her boobs... is she mad or just plain desperate?
I have now added my very own Weather Geisha to my blog (bottom left) - if she proves to be too sensible with her attire then I'll just have to trade her in for a different model.
I think your weather pixie is wearing a kimono and gloves. Not such a good look (but probably warmer than mine!)
The weather geisha was a bit rubbish, so I've employed Portia, the blonde weather pixie - her CV promises a more extensive wardrobe and a blatant disregard to air temperature.
Ah look it's my weather pixie's stupid blonde twin! They have matching outfits, how sweet. You'd think mine, being a brunette, would have more sense!
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