As you will have no doubt have noticed (if anyone still bothers to check this blog) I haven't posted any updates since the end of August. Basically I've got lazy... the blog was taking up too much of my time and I was finding Facebook to be a more user-friendly base for letting friends know what I'd been up to. So, I'm closing it down. The old posts will remain here for reference, but for all current updates please check out my other sites as follows:
My facebook page.
My myspace page.

Chris And Phil Present...
Home of our regular podcasts mixing intelligent film reviews and nonsensical chatter.
Eat My Brains
UK based horror website to which I contribute reviews and features.
Dread Central
US based horror website to which I contribute reviews and features.
UK genre festival website to which I contribute a monthly TV column.
Thank you for all the support over the last five years and goodnight.
I always thought this was a great read.
What a shame its now gone.
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