The festive season is a time for pantomimes so what better band to see in the week leading up to Christmas than
Tenacious D, the comedy/rock beast created by actor Jack Black and his partner Kyle Gass. This isn't perhaps the type of music I'd play at home, but as a piece of musical theatre, as a proper stage
show, it's unbeatable - and miles more entertaining than their recent movie
The Pick Of Destiny. The show follows a plot, of sorts, opening with JB and Rage-Cage playing a few acoustic numbers in Kyle's living room, with a fleeting appearance from Lee, their number one fan. When JB convinces Kyle to try his electric guitar the duo are electrocuted and end up in hell, where they recruit a backing band made up of The Antichrist, Charlie Chaplin and Colonel Sanders! Having already given us the origin of Tenacious D we now skate through some moments from the film involving Kyle leaving (and quickly rejoining) the band, JB getting high on mushrooms, and eventually culminating with a "rock off" against Satan himself. It's all nonsense of course, but hugely enjoyable nonsense, carried along by the endless enthusiasm and wit of Black and the amiable Gass as his straight man. I was also impressed with the production and lighting which really adds to experience. As for the music, well, having seen Jack Black perform in
School Of Rock it's no surprise to see that he really can cut it up on stage in front of an audience of thousands... and it was a pleasant surprise (since we're in Brighton) to see the band finish the show with a medley of songs by The Who!
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