Then things kinda spiralled. I knew James was in town and up for a couple of pints so I rang him and left a message saying I was free. Wandered off to see Paul in the Cinema Store while I waited for him to return my call, then strolled around Leicester Square for an hour. Just when I was about to give up and head off to Hammersmith to see Daniel Kitson I suddenly I got three texts and a voicemail, all of which had been sent about an hour earlier. Bloody mobiles! I managed to ascertain that James was meeting Jay Slater (film journalist/author) in a pub up by Marble Arch, so I walked all the way up there, found the pub, but couldn't see them. My mobile was still playing up, so I had to find a phonebox, and then only got James's voicemail again. Grrrr! Thankfully about 10 mins later the signal came back and I received another flurry of missed calls and texts - James had been in the wrong pub and should have been meeting in one between Oxford Circus and Tottenham Court Road! So I then had to walk all the way back down Oxford Street... I'm not kidding, I was ready to kill for a pint after that hour walking around London! Anyway, it was good to meet up with the two guys along with Mike from EMB and a couple of directors, Alex Chandon (Cradle Of Fear) and Sean Hogan (Lie Still), a cool little gathering of like-minded horror folk. Naturally I got very drunk and then remembered I had to get back to Brighton... luckily I made it onto the midnight train having remembered to take a leak before boarding. In my inebriated state I seem to have agreed to return on Wednesday evening for a very special EMB Zombie Club night... should be fun!
And finally... happy birthday to Kelly today! Thanks for popping in for a cuppa this afternoon!